To:  Nikolaus Zmeskall von Domanovecz
Vienna, April 23, 1813

Anderson v1 pg414-415 - letter #417

Dear Z[meskall],

       Everything will be all right.  The Archduke is going to pull the ears of that Prince Fizlypuzly [Anderson footnote: “Beethoven is referring to Prince Lobkowitz.”] very thoroughly – Let me know whether you are dining at the tavern today or whenever you are. – Again, please let me know whether ‘Sentivany’ is the correct spelling, for I want to write to him too about the chorus – I must also arrange with you what day we should choose.  That reminds me, you must not let out that you know anything whatever about the Archduke’s intervention, for Prince Fizlypuzly is not coming to see him until Sunday; and if this wicked debtor got to know something beforehand, he would try to make himself scarce –

                                                                        Wholly your